My Audio World...By Davies Roberts

My Audio World...By Davies Roberts

Davies Roberts: Inventor and Co-Founder Flare Audio January 4, 2024 Education & Work I left school at the age of 15 with no exams or qualifications under my belt and having had a pretty awful...
My Audio World...By Kristi Kimsey

My Audio World...By Kristi Kimsey

Kristi Kimsey, né Barton, recorded a series of her own remarkable songs in the late 1970s, in the early years of her relationship with record producer Chris Kimsey. While Chris built his 50-year career as...
My Audio World... by Dani Bennett Spragg

My Audio World... by Dani Bennett Spragg

Stepping into (and succeeding at) studio work. Born and brought up in London, Dani Bennett Spragg started her career as a recording engineer and mixer with internships on both sides of the Atlantic. Winner of...
My Audio World By David Arnold

My Audio World By David Arnold

The name is Arnold, David Arnold. Let world renowned film composer David Arnold take you on an audio journey - read about his earliest memories of James Bond and how he went on to score five James Bond...
Glastonbury Round Up By Daniel Parsons

Glastonbury Round Up By Daniel Parsons

Our friend and musician Daniel Parsons is a serial Glastonbury Festival devotee. He's been to nearly 20 Glastonbury's since his first one in 1995 at the age of 15. Fortunately for Daniel Glastonbury came back with...
My Audio World... By Cassell The Beatmaker

My Audio World... By Cassell The Beatmaker

Cassell The Beatmaker: My Audio World…How winning an ‘Ivor’ inspired me to help artists ‘In the Making’ (ITM) Photo credits: @echoheightsstudios You might say Cassell The Beatmaker was born with a drumstick in his hand; son...
Simon Allen Studio

Simon Allen - Tubular Bells 50th Anniversary

September saw the premiere of the Tubular Bells 50th Anniversary Celebration album at London’s Olympic Cinema. With the album played through Flare Audio’s speakers (permanently installed at the cinema) and with Engineer Simon Allen using...
My Audio World: Waq Aziz

My Audio World: Waq Aziz

It was a journey that took him from university, via the legendary Yellow Arch Studios in Sheffield and the caves of the Peak District to London warehouses. Flare Audio director Waq fell in love with...
My Audio World... by Sadia Sadia

My Audio World... by Sadia Sadia

  “The land whispered, and then roared And the roar became the sound of the rapids And the work became the notion of infinite time As interpreted through the movement of water And its link...